Wednesday, April 6, 2011

OKER - first album

Recorded by Alex Gaziano and Nick Vicario in March 2010. Mastered by Carl Saff in 2011.
This music is free for everyone everywhere. If you can't download it at bandcamp, search 'the blogosphere' for other hosts. There will be a physical release in the future.

Benjamin Burton
Jared Ridabock
Andrew Endres
Nick Vicario
Joey van der Naald

Thanks to all for listening.


  1. I came across this album by accident and its brillant. I can't tell from the information I can find on the web if Oker are a 'real' band that will be touring and releasing music in the future. The lack of information suggests its a one off album. I would like to hear more in the future.

  2. Hey Brian,
    We are a real band and we're writing lots of new songs for a new release and shows this summer. Unfortunately, we won't be touring very far out of the northwest until next year. In the meantime, we appreciate your support.
